Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strategic change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic change - Essay Example In most cases, the problems associated with introduction of change appear at this point and need to be handled. These problems are varied and they include; individuals’ resistance to change, increased instability in the organization, increased stress levels, and energy among individuals that is not utilized. In addition, other problems include increased conflicts in the organization and loss of drive (Cole, 2004). Therefore, this clearly highlights the need for an organization to be fully equipped to foresee reactions and possible obstacles to the introduction of change. For change to be managed in an organization, it is important to have a wide knowledge of the type of change and the reasons for individual resistance. In this case, the type of change to be understood is strategic change. Even though individuals who are pushing for change have to be invariable regarding ends, they also need to be flexible concerning means. Hence, the need for them to fully understand different forms of change in existence. Strategic change involves organizational transformation. It focuses on issues that are categorized to be broad and long-term. It mainly consists of going towards a future position defined universally using vision and scope that is strategic (Armstrong 2006). It consists of organization purpose and mission. In addition, it covers organization’s corporate values on issues that include; growth and quality, innovation and various values regarding people. It also involves the needs of the customer that have been met and the technologies put in place. This definition brings about competitive positioning stipulations and goals that are strategic. Through strategic goals, an organization will be able to attain and sustain competitive advantage. In addition, it also helps on the growth of product-market. Strategic goals of an organization are held up by various policies that regard sales, marketing, manufacturing, administration of human resource, financ e and growth of product and process. Strategic change occurs in the framework of a background that is competitive externally and is economic and social (Frost, 2000). It also occurs in the internal resources of an organization, its capacities, customs, constitution and even systems. Hence, in the invention and planning phases, these aspects have to be fully examined and understood in order for the implementation process to be successful. An organization attainment of competitive advantage that is sustainable depends on various qualities. These are; the ability of an organization to recognize and to fully understand the competitive force in place and how they keep changing with time. Secondly, is the capability of an organization to assemble and control essential resources intended for a competitive reaction. Strategic change nonetheless, ought not to be perceived as a process that is linear, where an organization simply plans and moves from one point to another. It is not possible t o plan and carry out as series of procedures that are rational (Pettigrew and Whipp 1991). Woodward (1968) asserts that when change is introduced in an organization most individuals resist it. This is because most people perceive change as being a threat to th

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